BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- Representatives of Smith & Company, Engineers, were present at the meeting of the Stoddard County Commission Monday to review progress on eight county bridges that are programmed for replacement. The total cost of replacement of the eight bridges is estimated to be $1.75 million.
Engineer Bill Robison gave the commission a power point presentation on the engineering progress of each of the bridges. He said geo-technology and drilling have been completed for each of the projects. He said work was progressing on surveys, soil testing, historic preservation, Corps of Engineers flood plain information, rights-of-way and other information for federal agencies that are required be be performed when expending Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRO) funds.
The following bridges are programmed for replacement:
* CR 420 East (Duck Creek Township), 40 feet in length, with a sufficiency rating of 39.6 percent;
* CR 420 West (Duck Creek), 40 feet, 39.6 percent;
* CR 420 (Castor Township), 75 feet, 29.9 percent;
* CR 354 (Pike Township), 65 feet, currently closed;
* CR 219 (Pike Township), length N/A, 30.6 percent;
* CR 750 (Elk Township), 55 feet, 35 percent;
* CR 784 (Elk Township, 65 feet, 30.1 percent;
* CR 732 (Liberty Township), length N/A, 35 percent.
Commissioner Danny Talkington was concerned about progress on the bridges, and especially the County Road 354 bridge near Bell City. He noted that the bridge was closed to traffic, and the road could not be used. He said the harvest season was underway, and farmers were not going to be able to use the road because of the closed bridge. He went on to say that he had been unable to find out about progress on that bridge or on the other bridges the commission had approved to replace.
"When I call and ask a question, I expect an answer," said Talkington. "I don't expect to have to call back next week to ask again."
Talkington said the county is investing a lot of money in bridge replacement, and Smith & Co., is the engineering firm on all the projects. He said he believes that "as a good customer, we should get our questions answered promptly."
Talkington said he had been wondering if any progress was being made to get the bridges ready for bid letting.
Engineer Jeremy Manning apologized to the commission. He said the firm had been working to get the projects ready for construction, but perhaps the commission had been unaware of the work that was being done.
Robison said that was the point of the presentation.
"Work is progressing," he told the commission.
"Would it have been better to do two or three bridges at a time instead of all eight at once?" asked Talkington about the approach the commission took to replacing the bridges.
Robison said while it may have expedited plans on the first bridges, in the short run it would have delayed construction on the other bridges.
"We hope to have all eight of these bridges ready for bid letting by next year," said Robison.
Talkington asked, "What is the soonest we could have the bridge on CR 354 ready for taking bids?"
Robison said it would be late winter or early spring 2016. He said it was possible the new bridge could be finished by August next year. He also said the other bridges would also be ready for the bidding process in 2016. He said the design phase and meeting all the federal requirements usually takes around 12 months. He noted the county would be using federal funds for almost 90 percent of the cost of bridge replacements, which "is good." He said along with federal funds comes required tests and paperwork.
Robison said after all the bridges are constructed, the county should still have around $121,700 in BRO funds in 2015, with that amount to increase to around $580,800 with the addition of new BRO funds in 2016. He said he would have to talk with Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) officials before he would know the exact amount of county BRO funds in 2015.
Talkington said he appreciated Smith & Co. coming to the meeting and providing an update. Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis and Commissioner Carol Jarrell agreed.
Robison said he would update the commission within the next seven weeks on progress on bridge replacement projects.