Halloween Happening at East Park
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The annual Halloween Happening event took place Friday night at Dexter's East Park. Candy, food trucks, music, games, ghosts and goblins were on hand at the park.
Violet Wheetley waits to receive some candy during the event at the park.
Dexter Police Chief Hank Trout pause for a photo with a scary Trick or Treater Friday evening.
Batman, AKA Jaxson Arthur, flies down the bounce house slide Friday evening.
Charlie Brown, AKA Adam Clark, laughs next to Snoopy at the event.
Jim Labrot (front) and Devin Miller (back) hand out candy at the event.
Alaric Thacker takes a look around the park during the Halloween Happening Friday evening.