Colonel Sanders, aka Tucker Miller, has his fried chicken bucket handy to hold his candy. Tucker is the two year old son of Caleb and Taylor Miller. Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Some of the visitors at the park dance to the song Y.M.C.A.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Ellie Trammell waits for candy to come out of the ghost's mouth at the Sparklight booth.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Miles Urhahn with the Dexter Parks and Recreation Department hands out candy to a trick or treater.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Peanut butter and Jelly anyone?Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Cheyenne Kight slides down the slide on one of the bounce houses.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The large crowd waits in line at the park.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The Dexter Parks and Recreation held its Second annual Halloween Happening at Dexter's East Park. Local businesses lined the park to hand out candy to trick or treaters.