NewsFebruary 14, 2020

Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
Tim Casey was crowned Valentine's King and Tamara Crosby was crowned queen.
Tim Casey was crowned Valentine's King and Tamara Crosby was crowned queen.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
The king and queens dance kicked off the Valentine's Dance.
The king and queens dance kicked off the Valentine's Dance.Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers
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Dexter Statesman/Josh Ayers

The Stoddard County ARC crowned its Valentine's king and queen at its annual Valentine's party. After the coronation clients and staff participated in a Valentine's dance. The residents had the opportunity to pass out Valentine's to each other as well.
